
Count segment types.
(multiple)Segmentation whose segments constitute the units to be counted or the contexts in which the units will be counted
Pivot Crosstab
Table displaying the absolute frequency of units
This widget inputs one or several segmentations, counts the frequency of segments defined by one of the segmentations (potentially within segments defined by another), and sends the result in the form of a contingency table (or co-occurrence matrix or also term–document matrix).
The contingency tables produced by this widget are of PivotCrosstab type, a subtype of the generic Table format (see Convert widget, section Table formats). In such a table, each column corresponds to a unit type, each line corresponds to a context type, and the cell at the intersection of a given column and line contains the count (or absolute frequency, or also number of occurrences) of this unit type in this context type.
To take a simple example, consider two segmentations of the string a simple example [1]:
label = words
content |
start |
end |
part of speech |
word category |
a |
1 |
1 |
article |
grammatical |
simple |
3 |
8 |
adjective |
lexical |
example |
10 |
16 |
noun |
lexical |
label = letters (extract)
content |
start |
end |
letter category |
a |
1 |
1 |
vowel |
s |
3 |
3 |
consonant |
i |
4 |
4 |
vowel |
… |
… |
… |
… |
e |
16 |
16 |
vowel |
Typically, we could define unit types based on the content of the segments of the letters segmentations, and context types based on the content of the segments of the words segmentations. Counting these unit types in these contexts types would thus produce the following contingency table [2]:
__context__ |
a |
s |
i |
m |
p |
l |
e |
x |
a |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
simple |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
example |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Alternatively, we could rather count the annotation values (instead of the content) of the units and/or of the contexts. For example, by defining units on the basis of the annotations associated to the key letter category in the letters segmentation, and contexts on the basis of the annotations associated to the key word category in the words segmentation, we would obtain the following table:
__context__ |
vowel |
consonant |
grammatical |
1 |
0 |
lexical |
5 |
8 |
This way of selecting segmentations and annotation keys constitutes an extremely flexible mechanism which enables the user to easily produce a variety of contingency tables. Note that it is up to the user to provide a coherent definition of the units and contexts. In general, a given unit is considered to occur in a given context if, (a) the segment corresponding to the unit and the context are both be associated to the same string, (b) the initial position of the unit segment in the string is higher or equal to that of the context segment, and (c) conversely the final position of the unit is lower or equal to that of the context. In short, the unit must be contained within the context.
A borderline case made possible by this modus operandi consists of defining units and contexts on the basis of the same segmentation. Indeed since every segment is contained in itself, nothing keeps us from using a single segmentation, words for example, and defining units with the key part of speech and contexts with the key word category:
__context__ |
article |
noun |
verb |
grammatical |
1 |
0 |
0 |
lexical |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Orange Textable offers two other ways to define contexts while still using a single segmentation. The first relies on the notion of a “window” of n segments that we progressively “slide” from the beginning to the end of the segmentation. In our example, by applying this principle to the letters segmentation and by setting the window size to 11 segments, we thus define the following contexts:
a simple exam
simple examp
imple exampl
mple example
By otherwise defining the units based on the letter category annotations for example, we thus obtain the following counts (where the contexts are represented by their successive positions):
__context__ |
vowel |
consonant |
1 |
5 |
6 |
2 |
4 |
7 |
3 |
4 |
7 |
4 |
4 |
7 |
The last context specification mode that Count offers and which involves a single segmentation consists of defining the contexts as n segments immediately to the left and/or to the right of each segment. For example, based on the letter category annotations of segmentation letters, defining the contexts as the two segments immediately on the left and on the right of the segment results in the following contingency table (where the ‘+’ symbol separates the successive segments of the context and the underscore symbol ‘_’ separates the left and right parts of the context):
__context__ |
consonant |
vowel |
vowel+consonant_consonant |
2 |
2 |
consonant+vowel_consonant |
2 |
1 |
consonant+consonant_vowel |
2 |
1 |
vowel+vowel_vowel |
1 |
0 |
Such a table notably indicates that in a context composed, on the left, of a vowel+consonant sequence and, on the right, of a consonant (for example ex_m or am_l), we have twice observed a vowel and thrice a consonant. A particular case of this type of table is that of the transition matrix that defines a Markov chain, where we only consider the context on the left of the segments:
__context__ |
vowel |
consonant |
vowel |
0 |
5 |
consonant |
5 |
4 |
Let us also note that context specification, unlike unit specification, is optional. Indeed, it is always possible to globally count the frequency of segmentation units and thus produce a table that only contains a single row corresponding to the whole concerned segmentation (thus letters, in the following example):
__context__ |
a |
s |
i |
m |
p |
l |
e |
x |
__global__ |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
Finally, in every scenario considered here, we could also take an interest for the frequency of the sequences from 2, 3, …, n segments (or n–grams) rather that to the frequency of isolated segments:
__context__ |
as |
si |
im |
mp |
pl |
le |
ex |
xa |
am |
__global__ |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
After having thus outlined the range of contingency table types that the Count widget can produce, we can take a look at its interface (see figures 1 to 4). It contains two separate sections for unit definition (Units) and context definition (Contexts).

Figure 1: Count widget (No context mode).¶
In the Units section, the Segmentation drop-down menu allows the user to select among the input segmentations the one whose segment types will be counted. The Annotation key menu displays the annotation keys associated to the chosen segmentation, if any; if one of the keys is selected, the corresponding annotation values will be counted; if on the other hand the value (none) is selected, the content of the segments will be counted. The Sequence length drop-down menu allows the user to indicate if isolated segments or segment n–grams should be counted; in this latter case, the (optional) string specified in the Intra sequence delimiter text field will be used to separate the content or the annotation value corresponding to each segment in the column headers. [3]
The Contexts section is available in several variants, depending on the selected value in the Mode drop-down menu. The latter allows the user to choose between the different ways of defining contexts described earlier. The No context mode (see figure 1) corresponds to the case where units are counted globally in the whole segmentation specified in the Units section (to which we will refer by the term unit segmentation).
The Sliding window mode (see figure 2) implements the notion of a “sliding window” introduced earlier. Typically it allows the user to observe the evolution of frequency throughout the unit segmentation. The only parameter is the window size (in number of segments), defined by the Window size cursor.

Figure 2: Count widget (Sliding window mode).¶
The Left–right neighborhood mode (see figure 3) allows the user to specify context types based on the n segments immediately to the left and/or right of each segment; this mode notably allows the user to build a Markov chain transition matrix. The Left context size and Right context size parameters determine the number of segments taken into consideration in each part of the context. The Unit position marker text field allows the user to specify the (possibly empty) character chain to insert in-between the left and right parts of the context in the row headers. The checkbox (Treat distinct strings as contiguous) enables the user to to choose if separate strings should be treated as if they were actually contiguous, so that the end of each string is adjacent to the beginning of the next string.

Figure 3: Count widget (Left–right neighborhood mode).¶
Finally, the Containing segmentation mode (see figure 4) corresponds to the case where contexts are defined by the segment types that appear in a segmentation (which can be that of the units or another). This segmentation, that we will call context segmentation by analogy, is selected among the input segmentations by means of the Segmentation drop-down menu. The Annotation key menu displays the annotation keys associated with the context segmentation, if any; if one of the keys is selected, the corresponding annotation value types will constitute the row headers; if however the value (none) is selected, the content of the segments will be exploited. The Merge contexts checkbox enables the program to globally count the units in the whole context segmentation.

Figure 4: Count widget (Containing segmentation mode).¶
The Send button triggers the emission of a segmentation to the output connection(s). When it is selected, the Send automatically checkbox disables the button and the widget attempts to automatically emit a segmentation at every modification of its interface or when its input data are modified (by deletion or addition of a connection, or because modified data is received through an existing connection).
The Cancel button interrupts the current process and therefore returns the widget to its precedent state.
Below the Send button, the user finds indications such as the sum of frequencies in the output table, or the reasons why not table is emitted (no input data or total frequency is zero).
- Table with <n> occurences sent to output.
This confirms that the widget has operated properly.
- Widget needs input.
The widget instance is not able to emit data to output because it receives none on its input channel(s).
- Settings were (or Input has) changed, please click ‘Send’ when ready.
Settings and/or input have changed but the Send automatically checkbox has not been selected, so the user is prompted to click the Send button (or equivalently check the box) in order for computation and data emission to proceed.
- Resulting table is empty.
No table has been emitted because the widget instance couldn’t find a single element in its input segmentation(s). A likely cause for this problem (when using the Containing segmentation mode) is that the unit and context segmentations do not refer to the same strings, so that the units are in effect not contained in the contexts. This is typically a consequence of the improper use of widgets Preprocess and/or Recode (see Caveat).
- Operation cancelled by user.
The user has stopped the widget from working.