Text Field


Import text data from keyboard.



  • Text data

    Segmentation containing text to be edited


  • Text data

    Segmentation covering the text displayed in the widget


This widget allows the user to import text from keyboard. It emits a segmentation containing a single unannotated segment covering the whole string. Secondarily, Text Field can be used to manually edit a previously imported string.

The interface of the widget mainly consists in a text field editable by the user (see figure 1 below). The standard editing functions (copy, paste, cancel, etc.) are accessible through a right-click on the field or keyboard shortcuts.

Interface of the Text field widget

Figure 1: Interface of the Text field widget.

The Send button triggers the emission of a segmentation to the output connections. When it is selected, the Send automatically checkbox disables the button and the widget attempts to automatically emit a segmentation at every modification of its interface.

It should be noted that the text field’s content is normalized in three ways:

  • it is systematically converted to Unicode

  • it is subjected to the canonical Unicode decomposition-recomposition technique (Unicode sequences such as LATIN SMALL LETTER C (U+0063) + COMBINING CEDILLA (U+0327) are systematically replaced by the combined equivalent, e.g. LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA (U+00C7))

  • various forms of line endings (in particular \r\n and \r) are converted to a single form (namely \n)

When Text Field receives a segmentation in input, the contents of all incoming segments are concatenated (without adding any delimiters) and the resulting string replaces the current textual content of the widget (if any). This allows the user to manually edit text that has been previously imported in Orange Textable. Some points are worth noting:

  • This operation creates a distinct string from the one that has been previously imported: it really amounts to copying the original string and making the copy available for manual edition. As such, it is prone to a very specific and possibly disconcerting type of error, which can be best understood by studying the example given in the documentation of Preprocess (section Caveat), where what is said about Preprocess also applies to Text Field.

  • Modifications brought from within the interface of Text Field to a string imported in this way will be lost if the Text Field instance receives a new input on its incoming connection. In particular, this will happen if the schema is saved and later re-opened. To avoid any loss of data, the safest way to operate is to remove the incoming connection as soon as it has been created and the string has been copied in the Text Field instance’s interface; indeed, removing the incoming connection will not remove the imported string from the instance’s interface, where it can then be edited without risking to overwrite it.



1 segment (<n> characters) sent to output.

This confirms that the widget has operated properly.


Settings were changed, please click ‘Send’ when ready.

Settings and/or input have changed but the Send automatically checkbox has not been selected, so the user is prompted to click the Send button (or equivalently check the box) in order for computation and data emission to proceed.

Please type or paste some text above.

The user should enter text in the field so that a segmentation can be output.


See also