.. meta:: :description: Orange Textable documentation, merging and segmenting :keywords: Orange, Textable, documentation, merge, data, corpus Merging and segmenting ============================== Computerized text analysis often implies consolidating various text sources into a single *corpus*. In the framework of Orange Textable, this amounts to grouping segmentations together, and it is the purpose of the :ref:`Merge` widget. To try out this widget, create on the canvas two instances of :ref:`Text Field`, an instance of :ref:`Merge` and an instance of :ref:`Display` (see :ref:`figure 1 ` below). Type a different string in each :ref:`Text Field` instance (e.g. *a simple example* and *another example*) and assign it a distinct label (e.g. *text_string* and *text_string2*). Eventually, connect the instances as shown on :ref:`figure 1 `. .. _merging_segmentations_together_fig1: .. figure:: figures/merge_example_schema.png :align: center :alt: Schema illustrating the usage of widget Merge :scale: 75 % Figure 1: Grouping *a simple example* with *another example* using widget :ref:`Merge`. The interface of widget :ref:`Merge` (see :ref:`figure 2 ` below) features 4 options : 2 annotation keys; the possibility of copying segment inputs annotations if any and the option of fusing segments that have the same adress. .. _merging_segmentations_together_fig2: .. figure:: figures/merge_example.png :align: center :alt: Interface of widget merge Figure 2: Interface of widget :ref:`Merge`. We will return :doc:`later ` to the purpose of checkbox **Import labels with key**, as well as **Auto-number with key**. Leave them unchecked for now. .. _merging_segmentations_together_fig3: .. figure:: figures/display_merged_example.png :align: center :alt: Displaying a merged segmentation Figure 3: Merged segmentation. :ref:`Figure 3 ` above shows the resulting merged segmentation, as displayed by widget :ref:`Display`. As can be seen, :ref:`Merge` makes it easy to concatenate several strings into a single segmentation. If the incoming segmentations contained several segments, each of them would appear in the output segmentation, in the order they have been linked to the Merge widget. .. _merging_segmentations_together_ex: **Exercise:** Can you add a new instance of :ref:`Merge` to the schema illustrated on :ref:`figure 1 ` above and modify the connections (but not the configuration of existing widgets) so that the segmentation given in :ref:`figure 4 ` below appears in the :ref:`Display` widget? (:ref:`solution `) .. _merging_segmentations_together_fig4: .. figure:: figures/goal_exercise_merge.png :align: center :alt: 3 segments: "a simple example", "another example", "another example" Figure 4: The segmentation requested in the :ref:`exercise `. .. _solution_merging_segmentations_together_ex: **Solution:** (:ref:`back to the exercise `) .. figure:: figures/solution_exercise_merge.png :align: center :alt: New Merge widget takes input from old one and Text field, and sends output to Display :scale: 70 % Figure 5: Solution to the :ref:`exercise `. See also -------- * :ref:`Reference: Merge widget ` * :doc:`Cookbook: Merge several texts `